Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flying Larry's RV-12

11 1/2 hours total driving time (both ways) for 3 hours of flying Larry's RV-12. Was it worth it? YES, YES and YES!!!!!

Drove to Lincoln, Nebraska today to fly Larry Geiger's RV-12. Larry has over 2000 hours in the various RV models (RV-3, RV-6A, RV-9A, currently owns an RV-10 and currently owns the RV-12)(Which he has put up for sale!!) Larry, John Bender (Jesup, IA) and I essentially built the planes together and talked either via a phone call or e-mail daily during the build. Larry has completed his Phase I test program. Today, I flew in Larry's RV-12 left seat and Larry flew right seat.

The plane flies like a dream. Unofficially logged 3 hours in the RV-12, slowflight, stalls, about a dozen touch and goes, etc. The RV-12 is MUCH MUCH easier to fly than anything I have flown. Cessna 150/172. Cessna 140 (taildragger). Cherokee 140.


Time to fly mine!!